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ICF InfoFlow page

The ICF InfoFlow is a community noticeboard, sent out mid-week once weekly to serve the expat and local community. If you would like information on upcoming events, see who is selling items or hiring out a space or if you are seeking a job or volunteering experience, you may subscribe by filling in the form below.

Adverts or items included do not necessarily have the endorsement of the ICF. The ICF also reserves the right to refuse any notice it deems inappropriate.

To submit an advert for the InfoFlow, send your postings in plain text format, in the body of an email to InfoFlow. No graphics, no pictures, no fancy fonts, please! For security reasons attachments will not be opened. Please keep your items brief. Items over 100 words may be refused or returned with request to shorten. Please note – the intent of the ICF InfoFlow is to provide a place for one time announcements or requests. We are not able to provide free weekly advertising. We are happy to announce new openings, or promotional adverts, but we cannot include continuous advertising. Thank you for understanding.

Send us your name & email address