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Who We Are

The ICF is an international, inter-denominational, independent Christian church. The people who make up the ICF community come from multiple nationalities and a variety of denominations. They are in Cambodia as development workers with a wide range of roles, missionaries also with a wide range of involvements, teachers and lecturers, various other professionals, and business and diplomatic people.

The ICF has a strong commitment to prayer, to unity across the body of Christ, and plays a supportive role for the many ministries God has raised up for Cambodia.

Join us each week for worship, Bible-based teaching, prayer and fellowship.

ICF Pastor

ICF is looking for a pastor. We are an English-speaking, expatriate, broadly evangelical, interdenominational church seeking someone who will inspire, organize and engage us in the task of re-building our congregation after Covid. We desire a flexible and gracious pastor that adheres to the theological statements in our constitution. Theological training is preferred but not required, however experience in community engagement or pastoral ministry is essential, as is some evidence of gifting in international living or cross-cultural work.

Interested parties can find further information at icfpp.org or contact [email protected]. To apply please download the application form below and return it to [email protected]

ICF Pastor 1st Application Form Download File


Christina Leong

Christina Leong Christina comes from Malaysia and has served in the role of Administrator since 2011. Growing up in a multi-racial, multi-cultural country has helped her relate well to the different nationalities of people in ICF. In the past, Christina has worked in the Youth Ministry of Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia and has enjoyed worshiping at churches with a commitment to serving internationals.

Christina is married to Sor Pyneath and they have four children - Nathan, Sophia, Joel and Hannah.

ICF Council of Elders

NLeadership of the ICF is in a Council of Elders with the Pastor included in the membership.

The ICF Council is keen to receive nominations for new ICF Elders from the ICF Community. The ICF Council have expressed a desire for people to appreciate two important aspects that they may have experienced as Elders.

Joy - The experience of eldership has been a blessing; seeing God at work, getting to know fellow-elders in new ways, team work in working through the questions about leading the ICF. The work may be challenging but the joy of being involved has been quite significant.

Weakness - Our Elders are all aware of the profound truth in what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Sometimes when we read of Paul’s high standards for eldership we forget he also wrote these words about weakness - and applied them to himself.

Please consider who you think might have a passion for serving the ICF as an Elder; who values the standards Paul lays out and yet is honest about personal weakness. For more information about nominations please contact our Administrator.

The current members of the ICF Council of Elders are:

  • Christina Anderson
  • Nick Byles
  • Sarah Chhin
  • Julieta Concepcion
  • Milet Goddard

Our Logo ICF Logo

The ICF logo portrays the wind of the Holy Spirit flowing from the cross of Jesus across the meeting of the four rivers where Phnom Penh is located. The Holy Spirit engages the Word in this bringing of the Kingdom to the city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Our Doctrine

The ICF shall recognise the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the unique and reliable written Word of God and these same Scriptures shall be supremelyauthoritative in all matters of faith and practice. The ICF shall endorse the doctrines of the Apostle’s Creed.

The Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into Hades; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Christian church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.

Our Objectives

To the honour and glory of God, which is and shall be the primary purpose for all that the ICF is and does, and in accordance with our Doctrinal commitments, the ICF shall endeavour to worship God in each of the following objectives.

  • The ICF shall keep the appointment to meet together regularly in the presence of God and to do those things appropriate to being in His presence; to praise and exalt Him, to confess our sin and weakness, to learn from His word, to listen to Him, to receive from Him, to pray to Him, to serve one another and periodically share together in the Lord’s Supper. Normally such meetings shall be convened on Sunday’s and in the Constitution are referred to as “Sunday Services.” The ICF from time to time shall also come together to prayerfully and humbly wait on God to discern whatever He wishes to convict us of concerning the life, activities and ministry of the ICF.
  • The ICF shall develop ministries which serve each individual Christian to enable each one to grow into increasing maturity including effective discipleship, Christ-like character, a deepening relationship with God and an openness to receive the promises of the Kingdom. This service to one another shall include supporting and encouraging one another in the demands, struggles and joys of life.
  • The ICF shall develop a community life amongst the ICF family which reflects the principles and practice of being the Body of Christ. In recognition of the unity of the one Body of Christ, the ICF shall develop cooperation, partnership and fellowship with other Christian churches, groups, communities and organisations in Cambodia.
  • For the completion of the Kingdom of God on the Day of Christ and for the benefit of the people of Cambodia, the ICF shall support and encourage its Members in their calling to work in the world through Word, Deed, Sign and Intercession. The ICF shall do this by supporting its people in the variety of work and ministry which has brought them to Cambodia and by encouraging and setting up mission opportunities when appropriate to serve the international community.
  • The ICF shall normally function in the English language and shall exist to serve the international community of Cambodia by ensuring that its services and activities are appropriate for expatriates in Cambodia. However, the services and activities of the ICF shall be open to all regardless of race, gender, nationality, personality, education, culture, religious profession or world view.

Click the link to see the ICF Constitution